Your First Visit

We believe the first visit to a dentist office should be a fun, informative and rewarding experience, especially for children!  We also understand that these experiences will play a tremendous role in that child’s outlook on dentistry in the future. In some cases, your child may have already had a previous unpleasant dental experience. Patience and calmness on the part of a parent will help ensure a successful and stress-free visit for your child. It is also extremely helpful if you refrain from using words around your child that might cause unnecessary fear, such as “needle”, “shot”, “drill”, or “hurt”.  Our office engages in the practice of using words that convey the same message, but are more pleasant and non-frightening to the child. By doing this, it enables the child to have a positive experience and allows us to establish a safe and trusting relationship.

Open Door Policy

At Frontier Kids Dentistry we employ an “open door” policy and invite parents to stay with their child during their initial visit.  This enables you to become more familiar with our office and see our team in action.  Through this we will build a relationship of trust with your child through a combination of age appropriate terminology, reassurance, consistency, and compassion.


A parent/legal guardian must be present for the initial dental appointment.  

On your first visit we will perform a detailed review of your child’s medical history, complete a gentle but thorough exam, and assess the health of your child’s teeth, gums, and developing bite. We may also take x-rays if necessary. Our goal is to provide an introduction to dentistry in a fun, safe, and stress-free environment.  If your child has any treatment needs—whether it be just a cleaning or fillings— future visits will be based on the positive foundation built from this initial visit.  We pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality care for you and your child and very much look forward to meeting your family.

Please arrive about 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment, so we can answer any questions may have and to give us an opportunity to gain valuable insight on your child prior him/her being seen for their appointment.